Wednesday, 5 January 2011

Gun carrier threatens lives of three men, shoots one

Again, this story proves how reckless it is handing out guns to normal people. Anyone who wants a gun is clearly a lunatic and a paranoid one at that. With so many muggers, murderers and rapists on our streets carrying guns and knives, it's an insult to call for people to be armed to 'defend themselves' or other such nonsense.

Concealed Carry Permit Holder Fends Off 3 Robbers
Police say that they approached and attempted to rob a man outside the Longhorn Steakhouse on the 6800 block of Okeechobee Blvd in West Palm Beach, Florida. Acting in self defense, the robbery victim reportedly drew and fired his handgun, striking one of the robbers and causing the other two robbers to flee. A suspect was reportedly taken to a local hospital with life-threatening injuries, and police are seeking the two uninjured robbers. No injuries to the concealed carry permit holder were reported.

More victims of America's gun violence. This only shows that there is no need for a normal person to have a gun. Only criminals have a need for a gun. Hopefully this man is prosecuted and jailed for his actions.

More gun crime news

PBSO: Robbery attempt foiled when victim shoots first in West Palm Beach

New Details In Fatal Topeka Home Invasion

Monday, 3 January 2011

Quote of the day

"Guns only have one purpose and that is to kill other people or animals. Any argument of self defense, is an evil, godless, criminal rationalization. Therefore only an evil person, wants to own a gun. But Jesus said you will know them by their fruits. If they own a gun, they are evil. Unless their purpose to own a gun is to kill other gun owners or people who refuse to give up their guns. By their words they must be judged and the NRA gun nuts have said, "only out of our dead hands". In the war between good and evil, all gun owners will be killed. Gun owners are more evil than crack addicts, rapists or child molesters. As these people have no intention of killing anyone.......... Once a society bans guns, they must make it the death penalty to own a gun. " - Timothy, Michigan

Great stuff Timothy. Gun nuts are growing problem in the UK and we need to be rid of them.